Thursday, November 18, 2010

Why is everyone having babies?

I hate babies. Well 'hate' is a strong word. I don't like babies! I want lots of carefree, irresponsible, fun friends. Not friends with babies and other children! Bring back the rock and roll.

And I don't want children. So if everyone could please stop harrassing me about having kids that would be swell.

Have your own stinkin bebees. Oh wait, you are! All of you!

I'm off to do what I want when I want. Hurrah for the tv liberty!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

This is my planet too

It's hard work saving the world....

My inlaws live on a farm, and throw all their rubbish (plastic, cardboard, glass - anything) in a pit in the ground and bury it. When we go camping with them, the campground even sorts its rubbish into 'brown glass', 'green glass', plastic Number 6', etc, but the inlaws prefer to chuck all their rubbish in a bag and throw it in the pit when they get home.

I am the person who, by hand, went through a rubbish bag full of plastic cups, plates, and, well, rubbish, after a work function last year in order to get out the recyclable stuff and put it in my recycling bin.

It really hurts me to see people living this way, espeically people in the older generation, who will die in the next 10-30 years, and this is the legacy they are leaving my generation. Thanks a bunch, gran.

It also really hurts me when these people are Christian. How are we caring for our bodies, our families, the world around us by consuming so much, wasting so much, caring so little for our future and our planet?

So this morning I suggested to the in-laws that "we" collect the recyclable waste and take it down to the town's recycling plant once a week. (Yes, just 15 minutes away from their house is a full recycling plant!!).

Stony silence. Icy looks. Then a 15 minute lecture about how I should look in my own backyard first, or start with the people who have a problem. Because there's nothing wrong with the way we do things, thank you very much.

Well I sure hope that at least a seed has been planted. That the angry reaction was a sign that I'd touched a raw nerve. Because I certainly wasn't criticising them or being rude, and yet they reacted quite badly. It's been pretty hard shutting my mouth for the 5+ weeks I've been here, but I'm glad I spoke up once.

I just can't digest this legacy we're leaving - farmers all over our country with piles and piles of rubbish buried under the ground. Factories discharging into rivers. Every product we buy wrapped in an acre of packaging that we then have to dispose of.

How do we buy out? Where can I get off?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Quake of Doom

Earthquakes suck.

But on the bright side (yes! there is one!) all my assignments are now due on October 22nd. I have three essays of 4500 words, and my dissertation of 8000 words still to go....

I've been at the house of pain inlaws' for 1.5 weeks trying to escape the evil aftershocks, and there are some cool pictures here that you should look at. (DO IT!) Now I'm back at Uni, frantically trying to catch up on assignments. I actually got a few hours sleep last night, and didn't even feel any aftershocks!! (there weren't any, but that's not the point)

It sucks to be married to an engineer... I get no sympathy! ("If the house was going to fall over, it would have already done so") (well thanks, that's highly reassuring!)

Onwards and upwards! (except you, ground.)

Edit: If you're a rubbernecker you can look here for Scary Earthquake Pictures Here are the Scary Pictures

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Go the All Whites!


Big ups to University for having their holidays coincide with the World Cup! Hehe. So far I've watched England v USA, Algeria v Slovenia, Serbia v Ghana, Germany v Australia (And with this one, I'd like to remind you that the Aussies lost 0-4....) (Yes yes, Germany were on fine form, but that is mere detail), Nederlands v Denmark, Italy v Paraguay, New Zealand v Slovakia, Cote d'Ivoire v Portugal, Brazil v DPR Korea, Honduras v Chile, and in a few minutes Spain v Switzerland will begin....


But the problem now is trying to fit in study at the same time... With 2 weeks of holidays nearly gone, and there's only more footy to come...

Anyway, time for more football watching study now!

(and I'd like to add - if people are still grousing about the 'All Whites' being a racist name... what about the 'All Blacks'?!?!)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

More tasty food

Last week husband made creme brulee (!!) for dinner/bible study we have with some friends (same place the strudels went), and so we had six egg whites left over. I didn't want to just throw out the egg whites, so I invited my parents and grandparents over for afternoon tea and fed them pavlova!

As you can see, it's looking a bit worse for wear by this stage, but you get the idea :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Strudel Strudel Strudel!

In an ode to "Mrs Cake", I decided to document my dessert making process this afternoon. Today's tasty treat is Strudel. (And yes, that word is fun to say, especially with a German accent. Strudel, Strudel, Strudel.) Anyway the saddest part for you is that you can't see the end product all cut up and tasty looking - as its not being eaten until about 8pm tonight. "But it smells so goood," I hear you say. Yes, yes it does. And I'm going to eat some now put it aside until later... Toodles!

(My attempt to show the steam coming off the top... Damn it looks tasty! elegant and sophisticated!)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

  • There are 11.6 million children in sub-saharan Africa who have been left orphans as a result of Aids
  • 1.1 billion people in the developing world don't have access to an adequate water supply
  • 1500 women die PER DAY while giving birth
  • Half of the world's 2.2 billion children live below the poverty line
  • Approximately 1.2 million children are trafficked EACH YEAR
  • Finally: 10.5 million children in the developing world die before their fifth birthday
And we sit in our comfortable houses, or we buy that second car, or we drink that extra large frappuccino, or we go on our overseas holidays, or we give our children birthday parties with bouncy castles, or we buy the fancy camera with all the extra features, or we fly to another city for a two hour meeting....

And we can still look each other in the eye like it doesn't matter.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Its a shame this blog isn't more interesting, really. And I had such high hopes for it. Perhaps it was just that I got boring?
(Thats not a question for you to answer)
Everyone else seems to find the time to write witty anecdotes or tasty recipes or sensual poetry, but I find myself devoid of creativity. Devoid of effort, of caring, of knowing what defines me anymore.
I spend most of my days at home, working on assignments, and when I'm not doing that, I'm sleeping. And, perhaps sadly, thats not a euphemism.

Who am I now? I'm not the funny girl, the cute girl, the girl talking in a circle of friends. I can't be bothered to go out anymore, and when I do, I find I'm easily bored or intimidated. Usually both. I don't care about small talk, or topics that don't interest me, and I've lost my smile.
You know, the bubbly one that overflowed into laughter and thoughts of squirrels or foxes or fun things to do. I'm too cynical, too lazy, too deep. And increasingly I find myself questioning how it is that we end up living the lives we do: the choices we make to get here, the boxes we feel confined to, the laws that society or religion dictates for us and we rigidly abide by.

However, the one area in which I'm non-conformist draws me back in and reminds me that I have a deadline in two weeks. A deadline for five assignments that all must be finished, and well, if I'm to stick it to the man in the manner I wish to.