Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Quake of Doom

Earthquakes suck.

But on the bright side (yes! there is one!) all my assignments are now due on October 22nd. I have three essays of 4500 words, and my dissertation of 8000 words still to go....

I've been at the house of pain inlaws' for 1.5 weeks trying to escape the evil aftershocks, and there are some cool pictures here that you should look at. (DO IT!) Now I'm back at Uni, frantically trying to catch up on assignments. I actually got a few hours sleep last night, and didn't even feel any aftershocks!! (there weren't any, but that's not the point)

It sucks to be married to an engineer... I get no sympathy! ("If the house was going to fall over, it would have already done so") (well thanks, that's highly reassuring!)

Onwards and upwards! (except you, ground.)

Edit: If you're a rubbernecker you can look here for Scary Earthquake Pictures Here are the Scary Pictures